


I am closing saving alice down. To work on a different project. Once I have it developed a little I will put a link up here, but it think that most of you will not be interested in the new content.
Thank you for reading, I have enjoyed your comments and thoughts!


Stereotyping is FUN!

It went down like this:
At work pouring drinks Liza looks pissed off.
So I says: You like pissed, what up?
Liza: People always think black people are mad if they're not smiling.
Me: Yup, that's right- it's cuz you black.
Liza: Oh well, people always think I look angry if I'm not smiling.

Later... Pouring drinks again.
Liza: Man, Europeans are always SO nice to me, I don't know why!
Me: It's because of Apartheid. Europeans have a lot of guilt over that.
Liza: Huh? What's that?


3 (or is it 4) degrees of seperation

I met my hairdresser through my ex boyfriends mom. She bought me a gift certificate for a salon I couldn;t dream of affording and sent me to see Trina, the woman who has been doing her hair for years.
Trina was ofcourse freaking awesome.
She is an incredibly talented hair dresser... that seems some how the wrong title.
Trina is a hair God.
No one else on the planet gets to touch my hair.
Not after the last time. When my hair was 2 different lengths. An inch longer on the left side than the right.

Family dinner at the boys.
Turns out my 35 year old hair god is great friends with the boys 20 year old sister.
Did I tell the boys mom why I broke up with the ex?
If I did did she tell the sister.
Will she tell the hair God.
Will the hair God tell the exes mom who already knows because I told her months ago.
A year ago.

A year ago.
What will be said?
And do I care.

I left a year ago.
I smile more.
I'm not as tense.
I have more friends.
I am myself and I have fought to be the person I am today.

And I just want to have a little class.
I just want the past to be past.


The boy and I did a world beer tasting recently.
W picked up a bottle of beer from 6 different countries and then we drank it.
Sometimes we gagged on it.

We liked:
Asahi from Japan
Tusker from Kenya
King Fisher from India

Not so much into the UK beer

What do you guys like? Any suggestions?